Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Day One

Welcome to my exploration into the career of professional automobile and truck sales.

Launching into a new career in the field of automobile sales at the age of 40 may seem to be a bit risky, but I have always been something of a risk taker. Stack the deck with my own curiosity as to whether a basically honest person could enter the arena of automobile sales and emerge as a successful salesperson, with their personal integrity intact and you might consider the odds of my achieving success rather slim.

I might even agree with you based on my own experiences on the purchasing end of automobiles over the last forty years.

Still. I was curious to see if I could find some path to success without losing all sense of myself in the process.

So far so good! After a first week of basic training and orientation and a first week at the dealership I can clearly see that it is, indeed, possible, even preferable to work as that elusive honest salesperson.

In this blog and its associated bulletin board and webcast I will relate my experiences in the mysterious world of car sales from "the other side of the desk". My hope is that readers will find encouragement in their own endeavors to shop for a new or preowned vehicle.


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